Why Style Matters
Despite the importance of discovering someone’s real inner content, your outward image is, indeed, a reflection of you. Did you ever notice how you feel when you wear a “knock-out” dress or a flattering pair of jeans? You feel FABULOUS! Does a great hair day or some new makeup change your attitude? You bet it does! By refining your wardrobe, choosing your best colors, and updating your hairstyle and makeup, you will naturally exude confidence, and you’ll let the new you shine through! As your personal stylist, my job is to make sure your outward appearance reflects your inner beauty.
Here are some other reasons to consider a personal stylist:
It’s more affordable than you think!
You don’t know what to wear now that you work from home.
You want to learn more about colors that will flatter you.
You feel your personal style needs some updating.
You want to get the most out of your wardrobe, but you’re not sure how.
It has been years since you changed your hairstyle or makeup.
Your clothing size has changed due to losing or gaining weight.
You are re-entering the workforce/going back to school.
You are retired and not sure how to transition your wardrobe to your new lifestyle.